World Design Magazine

World Design Magazine

World Design Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Pottery Art Gallery

The Pottery Art Gallery located in Daegu, Alpha City, is designed to maximize versatility for various purposes, incorporating a layout that overcomes the topographical features. The exterior features two distinct masses stacked on top of each other. The lower level consists of public spaces accessible to visitors, while the upper level comprises private research spaces. The design of the courtyard is inspired by the sinuous shape of pottery, opening up towards the outside and enclosing the inner space. This maintains the internal aspect of the courtyard space while adapting to the urban axis.

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The gentle curves of the building allowing for the natural flow of space, air and light. The design combines advanced practices for lighting, day-lighting, HVAC and water treatment systems that use significantly less energy while performing at or above current health standards, with a target of at least 50 percent energy reduction compared to similar facilities. The undulating landscape form and building envelope provide a great healing connection to nature, inside and out, not only from patient, staff and visitor aspects, but from a sustainability aspect.

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CC House

A serene retreat nestled in nature's embrace, this single story four bed house in northern Kerala, near Wayanad, is a harmonious blend of simplicity and uniqueness. Designed to respect its surroundings, the dark textured building features asymmetric c shapes mirroring a central tree. An open courtyard and wide sit out seamlessly integrate indoors with outdoors, while a minimalist interior showcases thoughtful furniture design. Rubble masonry and glass windows with wooden frames create a rustic yet modern aesthetic, echoing the tranquility of its natural setting.

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Chuxin Pavilion

The project is located in the central area of Minhang District, Shanghai, within a public green space, boasting beautiful natural scenery. The surrounding area has convenient transportation and a developed commercial and residential system. This project combines multiple attributes such as urban, natural, commercial, and community, making it an important public activity node in the area. The main function of the building is office services, including online news release, policy consultation, payment of living expenses, and other internet service functions.

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Briiv Pro

Briiv Pro is a radical new approach to sustainable air purification. Featuring AI-assisted air quality monitoring and mesh network capabilities, Briiv Pro drives forward the possibilities of sustainable materials in the world of air purification, leading the charge as Briiv Pro does away with fossil-fuel derived plastics and ushers in a new era of bioplastic-based consumer electronics that deliver life changing benefits with natural materials. It is these ideals of sustainability to which Briiv Pro adheres, to illuminate a better pathway to a greener future for human beings and the planet.

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The project is a public building at the entrance of a residential community, occupying 1200 square meters and housing four main functions: commercial space, community lobby, property management office, and equipment room. However, space constraints arise due to setbacks from adjacent buildings and redline restrictions. Drawing inspiration from the childhood game Jenga, the design integrates each functional area like interconnected blocks, resulting in a cohesive and unified exterior façade, enhancing overall unity.

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